Construction, roadwork, demolition, and waste management are competitive industries that require rugged machinery. Cresco — The Cat® Rental Store provides it as the Bay Area's source for rental and temporary equipment. Our San Francisco location serves businesses throughout the region with flexible rental terms and affordable options.
Browse our vast fleet of rental equipment and machinery from Caterpillar and other industry-leading manufacturers. You can view our fleet of elite products online and find the exact tools you need to finish your project on time and on budget.
Browse All EquipmentBefore any equipment leaves our store, we thoroughly inspect it to ensure optimal safety and peak performance. We carry hundreds of models from Caterpillar and other top brands. Your rental options include:
Renting equipment in San Francisco shouldn't be a hassle. Let Cresco — The Cat Rental Store simplify the process for your business. When you choose us, you'll benefit from:
Why worry about storing, moving, or insuring a seldom-used piece of equipment? Renting from Cresco — The Cat Rental Store gives you access to any tools and machinery you may need for your projects. Renting also makes sense when a piece of equipment you own is in the shop and you need a temporary stand-in to stay on track.
Along with increased productivity, renting provides incredible cost savings. Cut out expenditures like repairs and maintenance and put that money to work in other areas of your business. Plus, if you're not ready to invest in a particular model quite yet, renting lets you try before you buy, improving your confidence that it's the perfect choice for your business.
Doing business in San Francisco can be challenging. There are a lot of companies vying for the same projects, and you need a competitive edge. Renting from Cresco — The Cat Rental Store gives you the resources to stay flexible and profitable. Learn more about our prices and available equipment today.
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