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Equipment Rentals in Bettendorf, iowa

Altorfer Rents in Bettendorf



Contact Information

Bettendorf Rental Equipment

Altorfer Rents — The Cat® Rental Store offers rental equipment in Bettendorf, Iowa. Our Bettendorf location serves the Quad Cities metropolitan area, including Davenport, Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline. Our equipment gives you the tools to perform various tasks, from building the city's infrastructure to landscaping and maintaining parks along the Mississippi River. 

Our vast selection of quality equipment gives you a choice that suits your task. A convenient location in Bettendorf means we're nearby whenever you need a machine.

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Why Rent Equipment?

When you rent equipment, you can try various models before you commit to buying. Test out the latest features and technology without the investment of owning the machine. Equipment rentals work well for performing a short-term job. Rent the equipment for the task, then return it once you finish. Rentals give you the flexibility to suit seasonal demands or a broken-down machine. 

When you rent, you'll also save on costs. Rentals allow you to control project costs by giving you a price you know from the beginning of your rental. You won't need to store equipment or pay disposal costs when you rent, expanding your savings further. 

The Equipment We Offer

At Altorfer Rents, we offer an extensive selection of large and small machinery for your operation. Our selection includes high-quality equipment from Caterpillar and other manufacturers like Genie, Wacker Neuson, Toro, Magni, and Spectra Precision. Here's an overview of a few main product categories:

  • Earthmoving equipment: Our complete line of Cat earthmoving equipment includes mini excavators, track loaders, wheel loaders, backhoes, and dozers. 
  • Attachments: Do more with one machine. Attachments include trenchers, augers, brushcutters, cold planers, compactors, forks, and hammers to equip your fleet. 
  • Concrete equipment: We offer concrete buckets, floor grinders, vibrators, mortar mixers, and walk-behind concrete saws. Pour and finish concrete with our range of tools
  • Aerial equipment: Boom, scissor, material, and vertical personnel lifts allow you to work at heights or move materials safely and effectively. They enable you to perform service or maintenance tasks.

Beyond these product categories, we offer many additional equipment types. These categories include HVACmaterial handlinglandscapingtrenching and shoring, and compaction equipment

A Reliable Rental Provider

Altorfer Rents' history in machinery stretches back to 1957. Our track record in the industry means we're an experienced and reliable partner to meet your rental requirements. Here are a few other benefits we provide to our rental clients:

  • Quality: We inspect equipment before and after each rental so you gain a dependable machine for your work. 
  • Service: With your rental, we offer 24/7 emergency service from trained service technicians to keep equipment running. 
  • Flexibility: Rent for days, weeks, or months, depending on your job's requirements.
  • Availability: We exist to serve our clients. We're always available to answer your questions online, in person, or over the phone. 

Get a Quote on Equipment

Altorfer Rents offers Bettendorf rental equipment for your short-term needs. Tell us what equipment you need, and we'll provide a quick quote to estimate your costs. We're also available to explore equipment rental options at 5909 State Street. We'll equip you with the tools to do various jobs.

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