Rapid Recovery

Rapid Recovery


As Hurricane Michael stormed across the southeastern U.S., strong winds caused extensive power outages across the southern states. With the ever-increasing number of natural disasters, having the ability to prepare and adapt to rapidly changing conditions has become more important than ever.

“We need to become more resilient and learn how to survive 24 hours after a major event and not have the attitude that somebody’s going to arrive and help us out,” says Larry Harrington of Trans4Fed, providing spot power generation for disaster relief.

Trans4Fed partners with Cat® dealer Thompson Power Systems to deliver rental power where it’s needed. When lines are knocked out during major storms, the ability to deliver mobile power generation is key to recovering from the devastating effects.

Harrington counts on the reliability of the Cat Rental Power network to provide spot generation in the wake of disasters, with diesel- and gas-powered generator sets from 20 to 2,000 kW and a substantial inventory to meet customer need.

“Cat gensets have a reputation for reliability, and Thompson Power Systems is able to provide the quantity of generators at the different sizes that we need to support our customers,” Harrington says. “It’s about being prepared early on, not being caught flat-footed, and our Thompson representative does a great job understanding our needs and supporting us.” 

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